Hair Growth
Need some help with hair growth?
LLV, YarrowPom renewal serum, dōTERRA haircare and oil sprays a daily staple for men and women!
Below is Angie’s & her husbands story as well as Lisa’s.
Angie used all of the above and her husband only used the super diluted spray.
Angie’s roller for troubled spots:
10 mL roller with fractionated coconut oil and 10 drops cedarwood, lavender, rosemary and 5 drops peppermint & clary Sage. Rolled 2-4 times a day in her troubled areas.
Spray – 1-2 times a day:
Angie’s – 2 Oz sprayer. Add pinch of Epsom salt to help oils disperse, add oils on top of that, 10-20 drops each lavender, rosemary and cedarwood. Top with distilled water (not fco) and spray and massage into scalp and hair.
For the ends of her hair because the salons were shut down in Canada and she’s had to trim it herself with kitchen scissors – she massages yarrow Pom renewal serum on the ends!
Husbands spray was only 10 drops each to keep it super mild because he doesn’t like strong scents and he used nothing else. His results photos in 60 days.
Zimmer Healthy Head of Hair Recipe

Homemade hairspray using Rosemary & Clarysage.
- Into a clean and empty 15mL bottle add 1/2tsp sugar (white/brown – you decide) and a little pre-boiled warm water.
- Gentle swish around to encourage the sugar to dissolve.
- Add 1/2d each of Rosemary & Clarysage.
- Top with cooled boiled water.
The 30mL spray bottles from dōTERRA® would be a great choice also, just double the recipe.
I was amazed at how effective this simply recipe actually is!

I’d love to talk to you about your specific needs. Let’s get started!
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