doterra’s Loyalty Rewards Program
What is doTERRA’s Loyalty Rewards Program?
DoTERRA’s Loyalty Rewards Program was created as a way for dōTERRA to show appreciation for you, our loyal Wellness Advocates. By setting up an automatic monthly order, you receive a number of benefits, including earning other bonuses in the compensation plan. You can also customize each order and the date it processes through your Virtual Office by going to the Shop tab. Still wondering whether or not to sign up for the LRP program? Check out these reasons below:
1. You earn 10-30% back! Depending on the enrollment kit that you start out with, (see the varying starting points for each kit on the Enrollment Kit flyer) signing up with the LRP program means that you will receive at least 10% back on your LRP orders. The longer you participate in the program, the larger percent you get back on your purchases until you reach 30% after a year!
2. LRP points and free product: The percentage you earn back through ordering on the program is added to your account through product credits. You can use these points to purchase free product.
3. Get your ENTIRE shipping cost back in free product credit! You can choose the $3.99, $6.99 or $12.99 (2 day) shipping options and get a $4, $7 or $13 credit to your account. What a great deal!
4. Product of the Month (POM) benefit: If your monthly LRP is set to at least 125PV, you join the Product of the Month club, and receive a free product with your LRP order. Tip: Remember that your LRP automatic order must be processed before the 15th to receive the Product of the Month.
Look at how much you can get for FREE by participating in doTERRA’s Loyalty Rewards Program :
Some LRP FAQs:
– Monthly minimum is only 1 pv (1pv=$1)
– You can change whats in your order and what day it ships as many times as you want.
– Points are earned on orders of 50pv or more
– Every 3 orders of 50pv or more you go up 5% in your rebates/rewards
– You can cancel anytime by calling
– Redeem points by applying to your order so no separate shipping
– Redeem in groups of 100 points ($3 redemption fee per 100)
– Points show up on the 15th of the following month
– The program is free, no fees whatsoever
When you buy this way, with your LRP discount stacked on your membership discount, you end up saving almost 50% off of retail!!! This is how you can afford to live a wellness lifestyle with doTERRA. It’s easy, its free to participate and it’s fun to earn free oils and products!
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